EL ÜPP VÕRGUSTIK: Oodatakse noori kandideerima juunikuus Soomes toimuvale LEADER noortefoorumile

EL ÜPP võrgustiku ja Soome maaeluvõrgustiku koostöös toimub 11.-13. juuni 2024 Soomes Vierunmäki piirkonnas rahvusvaheline LEADER noortefoorum (Young LEADER Forum).

LEADER noortefoorum toob kokku maapiirkonna noored ja inimesed, kes on seotud LEADERiga kohalikul tasandil, samuti riiklikud ja EL tasandi organisatsioonid ja asutused. 

Peamiselt on sündmus suunatud 18-35-aastastele noortele (eelistatud on kuni 30-aastased noored) erinevatest EL riikidest. See annab Euroopa noortele võimaluse vahetada omavahel teadmisi ja kogemusi LEADER ja maaelu arengu teemadel, kaasates sealjuures ka korraldusasutuste, maaeluvõrgustike ja LEADER tegevusrühmade esindajaid.  

ÜLESKUTSE: Otsime aktiivseid maapiirkonna noori osalema LEADER noortefoorumil. Kandideerimise tähtaeg on 5. aprill! Küsitlusvormi peab täitma noor, kes soovib foorumil osaleda. 

Kandideeri SIIN

Kandidaadid, keda oodatakse on 18-35-aastased:

  •  LEADER tegevusrühma juhid, tegevusrühma juhatuse liikmed, LEADER projekti eestvedajad, riikliku ÜPP võrgustiku liikmed või muud noored, kes on aktiivselt seotud LEADERiga;
  • nõutud on inglise keele oskus suhtlustasemel ning tugev huvi maaelu arengu teemades ja motivatsioon olla sündmusel aktiivne ning soov liituda rahvusvahelise LEADER noorte kogukonnaga.

Sündmus on väljavalitud osalejatele tasuta, sh katab Euroopa Komisjon noorte reisi- ja majutuskulud. Allikas: www.maainfo.ee


We are delighted to announce that the EU CAP Network, in collaboration with the Finnish National Network, is organising the Young LEADER Foruma unique event focused on Youth and LEADER at a European scale.

The Young LEADER Forum will take place in Vierumäki, Finland on 11-13 June 2024.

The Young LEADER Forum will be the first opportunity for the EU CAP Network to bring together motivated young people from rural areas and people connected with LEADER at local level, together with organisations and administrations at regional, national and EU level. The key characteristics of the Young LEADER Forum will be its participatory nature and the co-design of its activities.

The event aims to engage mainly young people between 18-35 years old from different countries across the EU. It will create a space for exchanges on LEADER related topics between young European peers but also importantly, with representatives of Managing Authorities (MAs), National Networks (NNs) and national LEADER Networks who directly work with LEADER.  

Expressions of Interest for this event can be submitted via the EU CAP Network website until 5 April.

The ideal candidates are young people (18-35 years old, with a preference for people up to 30 years old) who fit any of the following profiles:

  • LAG manager/employee, LAG board member, LEADER beneficiary/project promoter, member of national LAG network, or other young people actively involved in LEADER;
  • young leader or activist engaged in local community development;
  • young person representing youth organisations at the national, regional or local level (e.g. national rural youth organisations, parliaments or local councils).

Participants must be able to communicate clearly in English, the official language of the event, and should have a strong interest in rural development topics as well as motivation to get involved actively in the event and join an international youth LEADER community.

If you or a member of your organisation fit any of these profiles, express your interest for this event  by 5 April. 

n addition, we need your help to identify young people that are active and engaged in their local areas from your member state – please spread the word among young people in your networks and ask them to complete our Expression of Interest before 5 April.

The form must be filled out directly by the young people interested in attending the event. The selected participants will receive an invitation to register for the Forum within April.

Please note that the event is free of charge and travel and accommodation costs of youth participants, including representatives of LEADER Local Action Groups and NGOs, will be covered by the European Commission. More details will be shared directly with the selected participants in the confirmation email.

We thank you in advance for sharing this Expression of Interest with young people in your country, and we remain at your disposal for any further clarifications at the email address seminars.implementation@eucapnetwork.eu.


Best regards,

EU CAP Network